K-Lunk / life

Street Photo Docus

Life May 9, 2024

Today for a little laundry entertainment I punched “Gary Winograd” into youtube and came up with a lovely clip from a doc called Contemporary Photographie in the USA (1982), of which there are several, all worth watching.

Melissa O’Shaughnessy says that “It’s the split second on the street that is the camera’s unique skill.”

Paraphrasing – If you’re quick and your body language is good and you have good intentions, it’s chill.

“Shoot with the right brain, edit with the left.”

“To carry a camera with intent makes you much more attuned to the things in the world.”

Bruce Gilden says “All my people are beautiful.”

I wound up finding this after watching this bit with Mark Cohen getting up in people’s face with a flash, which I found a little repulsive to watch. I couldn’t imagine myself doing that. Are the pictures worth it? What do you think?